15. Health and Wellbeing Board

The East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board (the Board) includes representation from all bodies in East Sussex with major responsibilities for commissioning and providing health services, public health and social care.



* To avoid conflict of interest Members must be different from the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee Member.

**To avoid conflict of interest Healthwatch East Sussex will not be members of the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee or any Council Scrutiny Committee.

The Board will be chaired by an elected Member of East Sussex County Council.

A Deputy Chair will be chosen from among the CCG NHS Sussex representatives.

The quorum for a Board meeting shall be half of the membership including at least one elected Member of the County Council and one representative of the CCGs NHS Sussex.

In the event of equal votes the Chair will have the casting vote. All members of the Board will be entitled to vote.


In addition to the members listed above, additional non-voting observers from relevant agencies will be invited attend to assist in achieving the Board’s objectives. The invited observers with speaking rights are:

Principles of the Board – the principles have been removed as they are now included as part of the role and function of the board.

Role and Function


These functions will be delivered through the following activities:



Identify needs and priorities

1.            Publish and refresh the East Sussex Joint Strategic Needs and Assets Assessment (JSNAA), using a variety of tools, evidence and data including user experience, to ensure that the JSNAA supports commissioning and policy decisions and identification of priorities.

Deliver and review the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy

2.            Review and update the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy regularly to ensure the identified priorities reflect the needs of East Sussex and that it clearly explains our joint purpose to residents, communities, staff and volunteers in all organisations

3.            Ensure the County Council, CCGs NHS Sussex and NHS providers have regard to and contribute to the delivery of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy and integrate its agreed objectives into their respective plans.

4.            Ensure the Sussex Health and Care Assembly (the Integrated Care Partnership) builds on and aligns with the priorities and goals of the Joint Local Health and Wellbeing Strategy and JSNAA, including through the development of the Integrated Care Strategy for Sussex.

5.            Review recommendations from the East Sussex Health and Social Care Executive Group with regard to transforming services and the overall strategic investment patterns to meet population health needs and deliver outcomes, reflecting national policy where this is appropriate.

6.         Oversee and hold partners to account for the implementation of agreed plans.

Ensure achievement of outcomes

7.         Communicate and engage with local people about how they can achieve the best possible quality of life and be supported to exercise choice and control over their personal health and wellbeing.

8.         Have oversight of the use of relevant public sector resources across a wide spectrum of services and interventions, with greater focus and integration across the outcomes spanning healthcare, social care and public health.

6.            Work in partnership with the Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP) to improve outcomes for East Sussex residents and hold the STP to account for delivery in East Sussex of its parts of the system.

9.         Work in partnership with the Sussex Health and Care Assembly to:

·         Support and promote greater integration and collaboration across health and social care;

·         Support co-ordination of the strategic direction for meeting the broader health, public health and social care needs of the population of Sussex; and

·         Improve outcomes for East Sussex residents.

10.       Have a relationship with the East Sussex Strategic Partnership to strengthen the engagement of a wider range of stakeholders in all determinants of health. [moved from above]


11.       Propose recommendations regarding the work of the Health and Wellbeing Board to:

12.       Direct issues to and receive reports from the appropriate Scrutiny Committees of the County Council, and the East Sussex Strategic Partnership and the Sussex Health and Care Assembly.